

Narrow path of the rose

When my wife visited the narrow path of the rose in the forest of the Heisei in Kawajima-machi nearly the other day, he/...
Flower arrangement

Flower of the mysterious form

Allium ginchiumu, the red flower say the floral art of the form like the purple leek Buddhist priest to a color, the not...
Flower arrangement

The iris which a sweet flag does not become

It is the sweet flag iris which does not become to show midmost. A small flower is pocket paper. The leaf which grew str...
Flower arrangement

Flower arrangement resumption

It is flower arrangement series after a long absence. The yellow flower is Forsythia suspensa. The white flower is a col...

The air is full of spring

Full bloom was early, and a cherry tree has begun to be scattered by weather of the out of season in no time. I saw it w...

It bloomed this year

It bloomed this year. When it is called something, it is Kawazu cherry tree. Kawazu cherry tree is planted along stairs ...

Two plums

Is it the result that a warm day followed for a while? Two plums of my home were in full bloom in the full bloom. Seeing...

At last spring when I found it

Today is traditional end of winter. Will this be because the feeling of people expecting spring is loaded that tradition...

The sunrise of the New Year

A Happy New Year. I was able to gain the sunrise of New Year's Day to a digital camera today. As I was endowed with rea...

Hina of days of yore

December 17 was a birthday of the pet dog "Hina" of lost my home four years ago. I intended to make a picture, and to re...