

February 18, 2020
I separate a Japanese edition and the English version (the thing which I translated into English by translation software) of the contribution from today and will display it. It is linked directly, and an English sentence is not only displayed with a Japanese contribution sentence. A multi-site is a method becoming it, and, in the case of this site, a Japanese edition and English version are that it is registered chronological order tesorezore. In addition, I click “Go to English Page” under the site name to switch over from the page of the Japanese edition to the page of the English version and click “Go to Japanese Page” to move from the page of the English version to the page of the Japanese edition for objection.

March 18, 2020
I changed the theme of the site from today. I made trial and error in various ways to here. When the theme easily says, it is decided how you place various constitution. By the way, I changed this to “Cocoon” (I seem to call it a cocoon) in what’s called “Twenty sixteen” so far.

March 29, 2020
It seemed to be said, but changed the theme once again not again. It is a theme called “Lightning” this time. I think that it is not replaced hardly functionally so far. Thanking you in advance.