

Cluster amaryllis this and that

I was late a little, and cluster amaryllises were in full bloom this year. It may be fancy, but I had slide show as I sa...

With the harvest moon

In a month of in last night that is October 1, it was the harvest moon. It was worry, but the wonderful moon rose to the...

At the end of summer

In September, the hot day already decreased. I might be glad on such one day. A flower bloomed to the seedling of the ro...

Completion is long in coming

A bridge built over the Shingashi River flowing near the one of my house is under construction. A supporting beam is oft...

The rose of sharon of the planter bloomed

At last the rose of sharon of the planter bloomed. As I thought how about as I moved a rose of sharon planted in the gar...

Rose of sharon which bloomed in the park

From the summer to the autumn, the flower pleasing us has a rose of sharon. A rose of sharon blooms in the garden of my ...

Friendly cat

The cat which came out during the dog walking unexpectedly. I escaped on the watch for normal hastily or hid myself fear...

The mask which lost a place to go

The people attached a mask as merely one means to protect the body from the infection of the corona and went out. But th...

The flower which exceeds the sky

The name of the orange flower of the photograph is a great trumpet flower. It bloomed in the neighboring garden. I adher...

In a sunny interval of the rainy season

The afternoon when between fine weather of the rainy season and unusually comfortable wind blow. I already finished rice...