

Beyond your eyes

I found a tree of mukuge (mukuge) making one flower bloom when I walked dog in a garden of my home. As a tree of mukuge ...

Torii of the Shinto shrine

I made a torii of Asama Shrine a picture soon (Fujimi, Kawagoe-shi-cho). It is this torii that a torii faces this Asama ...

In the corner of the garden

The morning glory which I brought up into the corner of the garden from a seedling lets a colorful flower bloom. It is a...

I cut the scenery of the park

I gained the scenery that I liked of the Senba bank of a river park which dropped in almost every day with a digital cam...

Chocolate, Glico, pineapple

This drew the scenery near my house, too. As it is Hikawa Shrine particularly a small local Shinto shrine, I am called a...

From the usual way

A place to go is limited to the dog walking particularly the walk from the afternoon by recent abnormal heat. This way g...

It is like the picture

I made a usual promenade a picture. If check it on a way, the map of ...... zelkova row of trees on foot according to th...

The first work

I did a painting by PC software called picture in watercolors 8 and put it up today. As you see it did not turn out sati...