About a bellflower

Flower arrangement

This flower arrangement is simple constitution only for bellflowers. A bellflower is counted among one of the seven flowers of autumn, and there is an image to be seen in autumn, but, in fact, it begins at time in the rainy season in June at the flowering time and is that it continues from summer to the autumn beginning. Speaking of a bellflower, Mitsuhide Akechi of the main character of the TV saga of the last year is that a family coat of arms uses this bellflower. And it is Ryoma Sakamoto to act as a far-off descendant of Akechi left Umanosuke of the nephew of itsuhide. And of course a family coat of arms of Ryoma kamoto is a bellflower. I see a familiar bellflower elegantly in e fields and mountains when I consider such a thing.