Slight nice thing

Voice of the town, voice of the person
Still under construction

It is this morning when August began. I hear some sound with a rustling sound if I handle a morning routine while rubbing sleepy eyes. I thought, “I hate it.”. Because this is because it has been missing with a ceiling flying away highly though I intend to do it and put out a flashlight. Even if I put up the window shade of the bay window and look for the back of bookends by the window, the figure of the cicada is not found. I heard a sound moving a feather busily again the place that I was beginning to give up. I was when I looked in the bay window from the oil stove in the corner of the room. Is it ミンミンゼミ? I got it off one hand snacks, a window. I thought what happened, but flew away really lively towards the east sky. I spend time in larvae in soil for a long time, and I feel sorry to rot away unintentionally in a house in the place where at last it was to an imago. I am surprised to have spent two days in a house and am a thing what. Rather famous; might be glad.