Contribution after the inoculation


I finished the third vaccination three days ago. As vaccine made in feather company was not supplied, I had you hit the vaccine made in Moderuna company. After all if measure it in the one which begin to ache, and physical points begin to ache on about the daytime, and became feverish of the left arm on the next day of the inoculation; 37.7 degrees C. When I stood after an inoculation all day long, I have exceeded 38 degrees unsteadily. Fortunately, I finished the dog walking earlier and was able to lay a body. It was by little, but heat began to fall and I took an alleviation of fever pain-killer after a meal and slept afterwards. And I thought whether the Kawazu cherry trees of the soon park nearby were in full bloom on today’s in the morning warm day at the same level as an average year and went out. I actually tried the animation photography of an overdue easy mark all the time, but unfortunately have failed in this.