In the old days, be called a safflower hotel

Flower arrangement

As for the red flower, as for the azalea, the yellow big flower, a lily, a small yellow flower are safflower. Speaking of safflower, the best district of Yamagata is famous from old days, but it is safflower cultivation of Okegawa-shi, Saitama not to be known unexpectedly. The safflower cultivation of Okegawa-shi begins in a merchant of Edo having brought a kind of the safflower in the middle in the Edo era. In Okegawa, I did seeding in autumn whereas I surrounded a seed in Yamagata in the early spring and kept a relatively warm climate alive and seemed to be able to harvest it 1 months before the safflower of Yamagata quickly. At the end of that purpose or Edo era, I seemed to raise amount of production of the safflower to pour Yamagata. In addition, a post town from old times included the geographical advantage that prospered, and a merchant of Edo and Kyoto came over to the buying distantly, and safflower seemed to be traded with market price more than Yamagata. As yellow and two kinds of pigments of the red system were included in a flower of the safflower, and there was a property to melt all in water easily, I easily took it, and it was used by dyed goods. To take edible oil out of the kind now, and that nutritive value is high and uses the seed which in addition gave you a real scolding to the bait of the domestic animal. Called the state of things a safflower hotel as a distribution center of the post town and the safflower, and the town of Okegawa prospered very much, but has completely declined now. However, I assume the safflower which I bring town ではかっの wealth and culture and was able to roll up a symbol of the citizen-based town planning as the queen of the city.