It is the last flower arrangement this year

Flower arrangement

I introduce the name of the flower used as always. As for the big leaf outstanding most, as for the aspidistra, the small purple flower of this side, as for the maidenhair (the pinkness showed it when they saw it by the naked eye), the flower of the right yellow green, as for the carnation, the small leaf of this side, a cedar, the aftermost branch are dragon ascending to heaven willows. Aspidistras grow up well in the shade of the under a tree of the garden or the north side of the building. As a leaf provides sterilization, attendants are enough on the partitions of the dish and are that it is used for flower arrangement well. The maidenhair is called an another name peacock aster. However, the Japanese name of that Marigold is maidenhair toiunodeyayakkoshiidesune, too. The carnation seemed to be brought relatively early in Japan in origin of west Asia from the Mediterranean Sea coast at the beginning of the Edo era. Because idol worship is prohibited in Islam in the Islam and cannot express an animal and person expression, a carnation or a rose are used for the design of aestheometry and the flower called the arabesque well.