Misanga selling

Overseas travel

Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile.
I treat a red Barberton daisy to go round gloriosa, unshuyanagi, co-Kia which came up to a base last time. The Barberton daisy belongs to Compositae, and the color of a flower has abundant pink, red, white, yellow, green, oranges. South Africa is distributed over the tropical zone and the temperate zone widely in origin. It was with “hope” or or “it always advances”, or much flower language seemed to be born from form and the color that the Barberton daisy varied.
I meet a Japanese guide in a hotel lobby and am departure for Rome city sightseeing. The transportation is foot and a public bus. The first destination is Pantheon. It was misanga selling of many tourists and suspicious people to have been waiting. The vendor whom I am going to send with a smart applicant. I was able to send it away by the protest of the guide, but a large amount of price seems to be charged extravagantly when I make a bad job.
