Iron fence

Overseas travel

Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile.1,000 furrows spell the scene of the day of the fate in a note.
“It was the early morning of July 18, 1940 unforgettably. In front of some … 6:00. The window of the bedroom of the official residence of consul facing the street becomes noisy in the noisy voices of the crowd suddenly, and the yell not to understand of the meaning becomes gradually intense highly probably because crowds increase in number. Well, if I hurried and watched the outside from the gap of the edge of curtain, as for this, as for 100, the people of the various looks leaned on the iron fence of the official residence in any people regardless of age or sex who wore worn-out clothes briefly what, and the scene which accused anything towards this looked it to eyes”
A photograph is the gate of the consulate which I photographed from a state and work room at the time.