
Flower arrangement

Do not eat

As for the red fruit, the fruit of the wild rose, the pink big flower are chrysanthemums. A chrysanthemum is a chrysanth...

I draw a free intersection

I thought that it was only probably one free intersection in the city, but made a free intersection near Kawagoe Station...

In a slightly happy feeling

Even if a dog disappears, I continue taking a walk of morning and evening somehow, but I walk the somehow same course wh...

Thank you for an animation

I reach the municipal organization 100th anniversary, and Kawagoe festival is held grandly this year. (October 16) is th...

Gregariousness of the cosmos

walked the way of the embankment of the river called the Furou river after a long absence today. Al came over to my home...

At a certain railroad crossing

I continue taking a walk for twice of the evening, physical strength maintenance in the morning even after a walk of Al ...
Flower arrangement

Sword-shaped flower

There are similar form and the flower of the color, but, in fact, is two kinds. It is a gladiolus that the middle of the...

Photograph of the cluster amaryllis which I forgot

The cluster amaryllis which I took before a little was found when I reproduced the contents of the digital camera. In fu...
Flower arrangement

Contribution after a long absence

They go, and, as for the right thin pink flower, as for the pocket paper, the red leaf, a spiraea, the left flower are g...
Flower arrangement

The ear of the reed mace is a flower

As for the yellow flower, as for the lily, the small pink flower, Hypericum, a flower of the form of the brown sausage a...