Overseas travel

Overseas travel

In-flight meal

Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile  The vacation of "the reward" was coming to an end, too. Let's introduce the in-flight mea...
Overseas travel

Sit down; and a cash register

Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile An eye remains in the salesclerk of the cash register sitting down, and coping when I go t...
Overseas travel


Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile I often happen to meet the alley which curved when I stroll in the town of Vilnius. It is ...
Overseas travel


Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile It is a sanctuary of Vilnius successively. A wedding ceremony was just held.
Overseas travel

Thorachi castle

Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile I achieved the purpose of the visit to Lithuania. Let's introduce the state of the famous ...
Overseas travel

Sempo Sugihara

Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile The accommodation room (prison) was changed to the exhibition room. A grate reminds me of ...
Overseas travel


Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile After all the camp was surrounded at an expensive wall. The searchlight was installed in t...
Overseas travel


Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile.Chiune Sugihara continued writing a visa, but still there were a lot of Jews who were not a...
Overseas travel

Iron fence

Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile.1,000 furrows spell the scene of the day of the fate in a note. "It was the early morning ...
Overseas travel

Work room

(Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile) I entered the work room. It is the place where Chiune Sugihara consul continued publishi...