

Looking for an azalea

I demanded the flower of the azalea this year. You can see various colors and form even if you say an azalea to a mouthf...

At the end of a cherry tree season

By the fashion of the corona, a season stopped; feel, and is slightly the dog walking these days; in a season move, and ...

A challenge! It is made with marmalade in Citrus natsudaidai

Including his siteねI referred to some sites and challenged the making of marmalade. At first I prepared two large Citrus...

Of the park hang down; a cherry tree

It is Mainichi where time settled on for an outbreak of new coronavirus, but works surely in a season. I was shut out fr...

We are in the bloom of youth in Okegawa-shi

I show some of flowers which bloomed in Okegawa-shi that my wife and daughter of the house took this time. There are t...

A Yoshino cherry tree bloomed this year

For the holiday of the school where a garden is prolonged in the quiet Shinto shrine nearby, the amusement place of chil...

Kawazu cherry tree nearby

I put neighboring Kawazu cherry tree in the camera this year. You could not compare it with the vividness of the cherry ...

A cat to two of them

The cat which went on the wall of the home in question, and took a nap became two of them. The cat of the brown hair tri...

It is the fragrance of the plum

The flower of the plum became at the climax all too soon probably because a warm day continued despite the depth of wint...

The first sunrise of a new year

2,020 years were over calmly, too. It was another two years ago, but I saw the sunrise on the day of New Year's Day, but...