Do you like a train?

It became hot, and a walk of Al (pet dog of examples) gradually decreased. Still I walk far and wide rapidly in the morning probably because it is cool. I greatly made a detour and, to Kawagoe Station to take by the quick steps of adult for 12, three minutes, walked this morning. At last after thinking whether you came to the turning point, Al stood suddenly and stopped. I strengthened an inviter, but mukoumogantoshiteu does not move the lead unintentionally. I seemed to hear the sound of the train somehow or other. I have begun to go over to the other side of the way. After all I have begun to walk toward the railroad crossing. Of usual without “opening one” saw a railroad crossing. A sound sounded clang-clang, and a crossing gate went down, and ゛, the lamp of going up and down it got into eyes. An up train comes over. Al has begun to bark as if I jumped out immediately. When an up train passed, a down train was over this time. Al who answers to it immediately. Repeating this four times. It is frequent that a train goes only through the railroad crossing near the station. Still, I think that you should not approach the railroad crossing so much if you bark.