The first contribution


I was soaked with what, and a pet dog of my home came out as usual this morning when I prepared for the dog walking, and the gauge was going to produce a dog. That’s right. It is an accident. Of “Al” that my home niyattekiteni two years are going to pass before becoming 5 years old express it, and do it. A hot day such as the taking in advance of the midsummer continues recently. I came out later on the evening of yesterday, but played as always by the home of the doggy of the friend after having still hung around the park among the shade of a tree for a while immediately hotly. Thought that came to drink water frequently in comparison with the past, but at this time in when besides drank water ogafu, and did it. This seemed to be effective for some reason. The walk of “Al” you let you do pee before sleeping with two times of morning and evening and noon, but seems to have drunk water of the quantity that with that alone I lacked.