
Flower arrangement

I am constructed, and how many parts will there be this flower arrangement in? It is four in total. It stocks the slightly large flower of the right chopsticks to stand out most. It is a fruit of hypericum that there is also bit by bit midmost white. It is a coral maple to draw red an arc. It is a leaf of the hiba to be arranged around. I looked white in the first photograph, but was a thin pink flower by the naked eye like a lower photograph. There seems to be the color of the flower of the stock with white, pink, red, purple. It is a coral maple to be interesting. The coral maple turns red in the same way as other maples. After mysterious one finishing colored leaves, and having dropped a leaf, a trunk and a branch turn red like a photograph. Because this that cold becomes the peak seems to become reddest, will you finally blush from now on? In addition as I can bend freely as a branch is durable and there is flexibility, I seem to be able to express it in various ways.