A samurai is a biological parent

Flower arrangement

The flower that the thin pink flower sees a bud subtly small in Kurume azalea, the next is a blue flag. On a homepage, I checked Kurume azalea. It means that a samurai called Motozo Sakamoto of the equestrianism instruction of the Kurume feudal clan (Kurume-shi, Fukuoka) began the cultivation of the Kurume azalea how. When I often steal out of Shiroshita, former storehouse gathers a kind and I wound it up in the seedbed, but am that I did not readily succeed. One day the bud of the azalea gets a hint in having found straight えているを in the moss which grew naturally and is that after winding up the kind of the azalea with a method called the moss firewood, I succeeded wonderfully. I do not know well what kind of method moss firewood is to be concrete, but it seems with what I succeeded in because probably moisture of the moss was suitable for the growth of the azalea. Still, the equestrianism instruction of the Kurume feudal clan is the teacher who teaches the samurai of the feudal clan how to ride horses. I feel very strange that such a teacher developed the pretty kind such as the Kurume azalea. I succeed the will of former storehouse in Kurume-shi and seem to amount to 300 kinds now I made the kind of the Kurume azalea in sequence.