Is it a leaf in spring in leaf kana or summer?

Flower arrangement

As for the pink flower, as for the Rhododendron Kaempferi, the yellow flower, a chrysanthemum, the purple flower are statices. The Rhododendron Kaempferi is distributed over Kyushu in a Japanese endemic species widely from Hokkaido. It means that rare one produces two kinds of leaves called a leaf and the summer leaf in Rhododendron Kaempferi in spring. In spring, a leaf falling in autumn is called a leaf in spring, and I hang it in autumn and am accompanied, and summer says a leaf going over the part winter with a leaf in the summer. Both shed the leaves, but are called half fallen leaves as they attach middle for one year. But it will be which leaf now to be on.
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The country is that I think about the establishment of “the child agency” in the middle of a corona evil. It seems to be one of the reasons to want to unify that a child before the attendance at school differs from a nursery school for the jurisdiction into a kindergarten. I was worried about the wife who let a child go to the nursery school replying, “the scholastic ability is not attached in the nursery school” in answer to an interview. Look at the nursery school mainly involving the child care low from a kindergarten for some reason; seem to have a fixed plan, but think that want a nursery school to admit in there being the good point of the nursery school as such, but.