Of the flower of the azalea together


The dog of my home likes going to the free intersection near the station and takes owners well for some reason. I went toward the free intersection in this morning, but as the flower of the azalea bloomed in the front that I passed without crossing it for some reason, I stopped a foot and put it in the photograph with the flower of the azalea. I ontributed it to man’s looks very much as I got it.

I add that I got more like some excuses from now on. In fact, I thought without riding the last photograph from the beginning to describe a painting, and to pick me up. It is dog, Al of my home, but I came over to my home, but seven years pass, and it is to 12 years old in next month that is June. After there were circumstances, and he could not keep a former owner and was kept at a trainer for approximately three months, it was February seven years ago that I came to my home. I worked as Al and was going to become 5 years old in June of the year. Time suffered probably because I came to my home halfway to show a very relaxed state. I was completely relaxed, but have got old all too soon recently. Thought to want to make エ by all means was strong and I did it and picked me up on a picture again.