
Tsunami invasion

Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile. The real nature of "the terrible thing" entered the town by car of the return and underst...
Flower arrangement


I am constructed, and how many parts will there be this flower arrangement in? It is four in total. It stocks the slight...

The pink flower is a statice. The orange blossom is a pincushion. The small leaf is a eucalyptus how. The subject was fl...
Overseas travel


Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile. The pool class is finished safely. I take off machine parts and am a break. But a hit is ...

After time

I did one piece in several photographs which the family where dogs of my home always had you get along well gave to me t...

At last a bridge was built

At last high くす construction seemed to come in the supporting beam which I introduced before for the next stage. Because...
Flower arrangement

Two points of flower arrangement

I show a work of two flower arrangement this time. A work lower as for the work, the second upper as for the first. Is t...

We found small autumn in a park

In fact, it is my wife not me to have found small autumn. Therefore, a wife took this photograph. Colored leaves seen in...
Overseas travel

Pool class

Hello, it is Hitoritabi Mile The experience that it is the first time more. I put on the equipment in the body well and...
Flower arrangement

Why does a spring flower bloom?

The thin pink flower is a snapdragon. The flower based on brown is ヒペリカム. And the branch which lengthened straight is ca...