Flower arrangement A flower, the stuff looking blue are the bluish violet As for the thin pink flower, a liatris, the leaf of the background are spiraeas a rose, one touching a blue flower earli... 06.07.2022 Flower arrangement
Snap Flower of the rose of Sharon A rose of Sharon of my home makes it bloom little by little. The flower of the rose of Sharon makes it bloom early in th... 30.06.2022 Snap
Mini-animation Birthday of Al It was a birthday of Al today. Therefore Al was triumphant and I put it and showed time to go out to a walk on an animat... 22.06.2022 Mini-animation
Flower arrangement In the old days, be called a safflower hotel As for the red flower, as for the azalea, the yellow big flower, a lily, a small yellow flower are safflower. Speaking o... 04.06.2022 Flower arrangement
Overseas travel The Japanese staff Hello, it is Hitoritabi.I "Hotel do Europe." The decisive factor of the reservation being the price, but there being th... 28.05.2022 Overseas travel
Watercolor I want an idea I was able to upload blog after a long absence. An idea did not readily appear, and it has been to the thing which raise... 22.05.2022 Watercolor
Snap Of the flower of the azalea together The dog of my home likes going to the free intersection near the station and takes owners well for some reason. I went t... 10.05.2022 Snap
Overseas travel Opera house Hello, it is Hitoritabi.I The bus arrives at the opera house safely. The next faces the hotel by taxi. But there was bi... 30.04.2022 Overseas travel
Flower arrangement Forever in straight It is a raspberry that the flower of the bluish violet needs straight a stem by growth with an iris. The iris seemed to ... 26.04.2022 Flower arrangement
Flower arrangement About a statice As for the pink flower, as for the azalea, the orange flower, a lily, the violet are statices. I intend to introduce tha... 17.04.2022 Flower arrangement