Flower arrangement

Flower arrangement

Star of Bethlehem

The leaf that Ornithogalum, the purple floral art spread through statice, right and left as for the white flower is Chry...
Flower arrangement

About a bellflower

This flower arrangement is simple constitution only for bellflowers. A bellflower is counted among one of the seven flow...
Flower arrangement

The name called the thistle is on

The yellow flower is Lilium elegans. The purple flower is a statice. Floral art of the white is also Echinops ritro. It ...
Flower arrangement

Origin of the heavy name

As for the pink flower, as for the rhododendron, the white small flower, a Clethra barbinervis, a yellow flower are pock...
Flower arrangement

Mother’s Day passed

And, the carnation that they thin the orange floral art of this side, and a lily, the red flower are well known, a leaf ...
Flower arrangement

A samurai is a biological parent

The flower that the thin pink flower sees a bud subtly small in Kurume azalea, the next is a blue flag. On a homepage, I...
Flower arrangement

Is it a leaf in spring in leaf kana or summer?

As for the pink flower, as for the Rhododendron Kaempferi, the yellow flower, a chrysanthemum, the purple flower are sta...
Flower arrangement

Without losing to a corona

Emergency declaration is given, and more than three weeks passed, but I do not feel a corona is soothed still more. The ...
Flower arrangement

At the beginning of a year

It is the beginning of the year (?) I show two points by flower arrangement. It is a pine needle that the fruit that the...
Flower arrangement


I am constructed, and how many parts will there be this flower arrangement in? It is four in total. It stocks the slight...